ROLE Information Designer
DURATION 1 month
TECHNOLOGY R Stats Package, Illustrator, Photoshop
DURATION 1 month
TECHNOLOGY R Stats Package, Illustrator, Photoshop
Despite resistance from environmentalists, Native tribes, and local communities, Enbridge moves forward with its pipeline plans. But at what cost?
Enbridge Inc. is an international pipeline company headquartered in Alberta, Canada. It owns and operates pipelines throughout Canada and the United States, transporting crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids throughout the two nations. Enbridge’s expansive pipeline system is the longest in North America. Its oil system consists of 17,100 miles of pipelines in Canada and the United States.
Throughout its operations, Enbridge has experienced spills and protests against the expansion of its pipelines. Most recently, its Line 3 Replacement Project came under scrutiny in Minnesota. A crucial component of their network (called the Mainline System) transports oil from Alberta’s tar sands fields across North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan to refineries and other destinations in the midwest; the Mainline System includes Line 3. The company has a long track record of pipeline spills, both chronic small incidents and large catastrophes.